Side Effect Of Herbal Concoction (Agbo) To The Kidney
The use of herbal medicine has increased over time. However, most of these applications are unorthodox, with more than 80% of people worldwide relying on conventional medicine. Due to its cultural acceptance, and claims about accessibility, price, effectiveness, and safety, the use of herbal products has increased.
HM is distinct from western medicine, has few adverse effects, and can be used frequently or in big doses. However, in recent years, there have been more and more reports of adverse reactions by HM and its preparations.
Herbal medicine is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a technique that encompasses herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations, and completed herbal products that contain plant parts, other plant materials, or mixtures as active components.
Agbo is a herbal medicine that is prepared from different collections of herbs. In this western part of Africa (Nigeria), most people rely on local herbs for the treatment of different ailments, especially in the southwest region (Yoruba).
Is no doubt that Agbo has been around for umpteen years.
Let’s joggle down on the kidney's vital role in the human system.
You can agree with me that it is imperative to keep your physical environment clean in order to avoid germs and other infections and most of this work is done by you, this is the same thing that the kidney does for us, removing wastes and extra fluids from the body.
The kidney removes acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintains a healthy balance of water, salt, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in your blood.
The kidney also creates hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote healthy bones and regulate blood pressure.
Imagine all the awesome work that the kidney does, which you wouldn’t want to tamper with.
Note: Once you have kidney challenges, your health is in jeopardy for life, because even the rich cannot keep up with dialysis.
The pathogenesis or negative effect of these herbal concoctions on the Kidney can be attributed to the following:
1. Inherent or intrinsic toxicity of some active compounds in these concoctions.
Examples of this intrinsic include: leads, tannins
2. Inadequate processing of this herbal concoction:
These drugs have not been scientifically tested and hence do not meet the standard
There is equally no Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic profile of Agbo
Pharmacokinetic: The process of absorption, distribution, and elimination(Metabolism and excretion) of these drugs.
Pharmacodynamics: This is defined as the body’s biological response to drugs taken.
3. Incorrect dosage.
Even conventional/scientific drugs, if incorrect doses are administered, can be nephrotoxic e.g Aminoglycosides.
4. Incorrect Route of Administration
Not all drugs are supposed to be taken orally. Some drugs are supposed to be injected, or used topically (as ointments), etc.
5. Some of these herbs, due to inappropriate processing methods, can be altered to form harmful components:
It has been recorded that most of this roadside Agbo sellers go as far as adding paracetamol and some alcohol (raw gins) while cooking this Agbo which can be very detrimental to the health.
6. These herbal drugs sometimes can be contaminated with heavy metals, etc.,
Or 7. they can interact with other herbal concoctions mixed together or other medications
Most of these herbs are prepared in unhygienic environments and can easily get contaminated.
8. They may not be well Stored. Drug storage is very important because exposure to adverse environmental conditions can make some components inactive or even harmful.
There has been an alarming record of kidney failure attributed to the intake of Agbo in recent times, especially among middle-aged people.
Dialysis: Kidney dialysis is a general method used in treating kidney disease. Kidney dialysis replaces the work the failed kidney can no longer perform.
The cost of dialysis in Nigeria ranges from N40,000–N50,000 Per session and some patient requires 3–4 dialysis a week which is up to N120,000-N150,000 a week and N600,000 in a month this cost is dependent on the hospital or clinic
It is difficult to get the exact cost of dialysis because different hospitals and clinic charges differ, private hospitals are higher compared to government hospitals, and some private hospitals charge up to N80,000 per session.
What Happens When The Kidney Stops Functioning
When the kidneys lose their ability to carry out their primary function, which is the ability to filter and regulate fluids, your body begins to accumulate so much fluid, electrolytes, and waste products (A condition called Uremia), the blood’s chemical build-up may go out of balance (In this case waste products enters the bloodstream).
Your hands and feet start swelling because of the excessive fluid in your body, you begin to feel tired and weak
Clinical symptoms and signs include:
1. Decreased Urine production or even Anuria
2. Body Swelling and facial puffiness
3. Blood in Urine
4. Flank Pain
5. Abdominal Pain
6. Fever
7. Dry or itchy skin
8. Irregular heartbeat.
Prevention: One of the ways to prevent the rise of kidney failure attributed to the intake of Herbal concoctions is to create more awareness of the harmful effect of this practice on people, especially people in rural areas.
The drug regulatory bodies also need to swing into action and put a stop to the production of the herbal concoctions
Can Agbo Be Considered:
No doubt Africa is blessed with traditional herbs with some active ingredients that can cure different kinds of ailments but these herbs need to pass through the generally accepted scientific process.